About This Blog

This blog came about in 2010 when I had to have toe surgery. I had a journey to write about so I set it up. Now in 2016 I found out that I have a congenital heart defect and that I will require open heart surgery to correct it.

I'm using this blog as a way to offload my crazy brain into a format that I can share with my friends if they are interested in reading it, and also to document my journey so that I can read it in the future and laugh about it :)

Fair warning: My blog posts are mostly a uninteresting, unintelligible mix of disorganized thoughts.

I love comments and shares so please feel free to interact!

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @srphayre if you like photos of sunrises and sunsets.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Moving Around

It is coming up on 48 hours since the surgery. Last night I didn't sleep very well. It was hard to find a good comfortable position for my foot in which I didn't worry about it being below the level of my heart. I probably shouldn't have been too focused on that, but it resulted in my waking up every 20 or 30 minutes. I'm fairly well used to waking up frequently during the night (after all I have a 1 year old, a 3 year old and a 5 year old) however when I finally woke up I felt quite refreshed. In fact I felt well enough to get prepared and set myself up out in our sitting room. We have a reclining chair, and I piled up some cushions on the foot-rest and all was good.

After I ate breakfast however I have to say that I didn't feel great. I felt very lethargic - and somewhat nauseous. It seemed to go away until I ate again at lunch. My meals were small and light but they still seem to cause me to feel unwell. I assume that this is just a function of the various medication in my body coming to a new equilibrium. I'm sure that it is nothing to be concerned about. I'm considering taking only half of the prescribed pain meds at my next dose to see if that helps with my stomach.

I'm supposed to be back to work on Wednesday - not sure at this point if that is going to work out OK.

Coming up on dinner time now, my toe has been mildly throbbing for the past few hours. Nerves a little frayed and irritation levels with activities around me are high. Now I'm rethinking the reduced pain medication dosage. I fully appreciate that my quick temper is a function of me, so I'm trying to bite my tongue.

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