About This Blog

This blog came about in 2010 when I had to have toe surgery. I had a journey to write about so I set it up. Now in 2016 I found out that I have a congenital heart defect and that I will require open heart surgery to correct it.

I'm using this blog as a way to offload my crazy brain into a format that I can share with my friends if they are interested in reading it, and also to document my journey so that I can read it in the future and laugh about it :)

Fair warning: My blog posts are mostly a uninteresting, unintelligible mix of disorganized thoughts.

I love comments and shares so please feel free to interact!

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @srphayre if you like photos of sunrises and sunsets.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Feeling a Little Brighter

Yesterday was not pleasant. I was resigned to the fact that I was not going to take Norco anymore. Even though today wasn't as bad, I still felt like I had the drugs in my system.

When I woke up this morning it was clear to be that I was not going to be ready to return to work the following day. While I felt significantly clearer, there was still a heaviness that was unusual and not just related to the 8lb weight on my left foot. I was feeling good enough to get up out of bed and come out to the sitting room.

My family were going to a "story time" at the local library, and by the time it came to go, I decided to risk my sanity join them. It was fun and I appreciated being out of the house.

At lunch time I felt up to eating something more substantial than crackers and took a nap after lunch which seemed to help too.

I was actually feeling pretty good by about 4pm and decided that I would prepare dinner. I made up a meat sauce from scratch and boiled up some pasta. I even used tomatoes from our yard. I have to say that I probably over-did it because I was feeling a little "off" while the dinner was cooking. After eating and getting the kids to bed, things have calmed down. I think that a cup of hot tea will top off the evening and tomorrow I will be ready for feeling better again. I'm not returning to work until Friday afternoon - hopefully I will not need to reschedule that again.

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